bell peppers

Kickstart Your Garden With These 18 Seeds To Plant In April, No Matter Where You Live

Get the garden growing this April with these 18 seeds that’ll thrive no matter where you’re planting. It’s the perfect time to start something fresh, with options that suit all types of gardens and climates.

From vibrant flowers to tasty veggies, these seeds are easy to plant and fun to watch grow. April’s the month to set the stage for a bountiful season ahead. Let’s get the garden blooming with these must-plant seeds!

1. Sunflower

© gardenanswer

Imagine the joy of seeing tall, golden sunflowers waving hello in your garden. Sunflowers are nature’s way of bringing sunshine into our lives, even on cloudy days.

When planting, ensure they have plenty of sunlight and watch them reach for the sky! Water them regularly, but be careful not to drown these sun-loving giants.

2. Carrot

© ericjoonho

Rooting for some garden fun? Carrots are the underground superheroes of the vegetable world, offering a crunchy delight that’s hard to beat.

Plant them in loose, sandy soil and keep your eye on the spacing; they need room to breathe and grow. Water with care to prevent splitting, and soon you’ll be pulling up a healthy, tasty crop.

3. Lettuce

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Who doesn’t love a fresh, crispy salad straight from their own garden? Lettuce is the leafy green hero that thrives in cooler temperatures, making it perfect for April planting.

Space your seeds evenly and keep them moist for a continuous supply of salad greens. With plenty of sunshine and a little patience, you’ll have a bowl of freshness in no time.

4. Radish

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Ready for some fast garden magic? Radishes are the speedy little growers that add a peppery crunch to your meals.

They’re best planted in cool weather, so April showers suit them perfectly. Keep them well-watered and spaced, and in a matter of weeks, you’ll have a colorful bounty!

5. Tomato

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Juicy gems that make any garden complete, these plants are a must for any green thumb. Imagine a summer salad bursting with flavor from your own home-grown harvest!

Give them plenty of sunlight and support as they grow, and don’t forget to water regularly. Soon, you’ll be plucking these red delights right off the vine!

6. Cucumber

© nikijabbour

Need a cool companion for your salads? Cucumbers are here to refresh your garden with their crisp and hydrating crunch.

They love to climb, so give them a trellis to scale and plenty of sunlight. Keep the soil moist, and before you know it, you’ll be enjoying their crisp goodness.

7. Zucchini

© organic_garden_patch

Get ready for a zucchini overload! These green giants grow fast and furious, perfect for adding to stir-fries or baking into delightful breads.

Plant them in a sunny spot with plenty of space to sprawl, and water consistently. With a little care, you’ll have a bountiful harvest that might just take over your garden!

8. Spinach

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The leafy green that could have you feeling as strong as Popeye, spinach loves cooler temps and will thrive in your April garden.

Provide it with plenty of water and a shady spot to flourish. With every harvest, you’ll have a powerhouse of nutrition ready to elevate your meals.

9. Peas

© cedarshadefarm

Sweet, tender, and oh-so-delightful, peas are the garden’s candy. They enjoy the cool breezes of spring, making April an ideal time to plant them.

Provide them with a trellis to climb and a good watering schedule. Soon, you’ll be popping fresh peas right off the vine!

10. Beetroot

© thegroceryladyy

Looking to add some color to your plate? Beetroot, with its vibrant hue, is sure to turn heads and tantalize taste buds.

These root veggies are easy to grow and love the cool weather of early spring. Keep the soil moist and watch them grow into sweet, earthy delights.

11. Green Beans

Green Beans
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The crunchy, snappy stars of the garden, these beans thrive in warm sunshine and are super easy to grow.

Provide support for them to climb and water regularly to keep them happy. Before long, you’ll have a green bean bonanza ready for harvest!

12. Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers
© fmnscottsdale

A splash of color and a dash of sweetness, these beauties thrive in the sun and can be grown in containers or directly in the ground.

Keep the soil warm and water regularly to enjoy a rainbow of peppers. With a little care, you’ll have a bountiful harvest to spice up your dishes.

13. Cabbage

© salon_1905

The sturdy staple of many hearty dishes, this leafy wonder loves the coolness of spring and will thrive in your April garden.

Give it plenty of space to spread its leaves and keep it well-watered. With time, you’ll have crisp heads of cabbage ready to enjoy.

14. Broccoli

© theloveforgardening

For those who dream of green, broccoli is the perfect garden addition. This veggie not only adds nutrients but also a lovely texture to meals.

Plant in a sunny spot and keep an eye on watering to prevent bolting. Soon, you’ll be proudly serving home-grown broccoli at dinner!

15. Kale

© gafruitsandveggies

This trendy green is not only resilient but also a rewarding plant to grow. Kale thrives in the cool embrace of spring, making it perfect for April planting.

Keep it well-watered and pick the leaves often for a steady supply, ensuring you’re always enjoying its nutrient-packed goodness!

16. Squash

© wardsberryfarm

Squash your gardening doubts with these prolific producers! Whether summer or winter varieties, squash thrive in sunlight and bring a hearty addition to your table.

Plant them with room to sprawl and keep the soil moist for best growth. They’ll reward you with a generous harvest to enjoy throughout the season.

17. Corn

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The golden treasure of the garden, this plant adds charm to any green space with its towering stalks!

For the sweetest harvest, plant in blocks for better pollination and keep the soil consistently moist. Get ready for juicy, sweet corn on the cob come summer barbecue time!

18. Pumpkin

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Not just for Halloween, these large orange globes are perfect for gardeners seeking a challenge. They require time and space but are well worth the wait when they finally grow!

Plant them in a sunny spot with room to roam, and water regularly. With patience, you’ll have a pumpkin patch to be proud of, perfect for pies or festive decorations.